• 1101 Pear Tree Lane
    Napa, CA 94558

Pregnancy Complaints

Congratulations! You're having a baby. But maybe you're not feeling that picture-perfect bliss that you see all over social media. You're not alone. Your body goes through so many changes during pregnancy. Here are just a few of them. Help is not far away!

$59 New Patient Special

Schedule a consultation today with Dr. Kristen Giles, DC to see how chiropractic care can help you with pain relief.
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Relief From Pregnancy Related Complaints

Looking for ways to alleviate your back pain during pregnancy? Over 70% of all pregnant moms have back pain and/or sciatica during their pregnancy. The cause is usually an imbalance or subluxation to the pelvis and/or vertebrae. When the pelvis or vertebrae become misaligned, tremendous pressure is put on the nerves as they exit the spine. This can cause back pain and radiating leg pain, known as sciatica. Because it affects the leg, some women notice difficulty walking or standing.

Common methods that most soon-to-be moms try are stretching, yoga and massage. All of these are tremendously beneficial. However, if you find you are still suffering, there may be more going on and it’s time to consult a chiropractor.

Chiropractic is effective for lower back pain during pregnancy. A chiropractor trained specifically to evaluate pregnant women, such as Dr. Kristen Giles can help you. She has specific training with the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association as a Fellowship and over 20 years of chiropractic practice. And as a mother who has had two natural childbirths of her own, she has tremendous personal experience in this area.

Dr. Giles evaluates the spinal alignment looking for any causes of nerve irritation or subluxation. Subluxation has many causes, but regardless, removing the nerve irritation is the only solution for relief. For many moms, Giles Family Chiropractic has made pregnancy more enjoyable and comfortable.

Symptoms We Treat

Don't live with pain any longer.

How We Can Help With Fetal Positioning

You're counting down the days and weeks until you meet your wonderful baby. But now you've been told that your baby's positioning is not optimal? Ideally, you’re looking for a solution that is natural and safe.

Baby positioning is the most common reason that I see pregnant moms. Why? We produce such amazing results that health practitioners from midwives, to Kaiser Permanente, to various Napa Ob/Gyn MDs, and moms looking for solutions consult us.

What’s the secret? Perfect pelvic alignment with proper spinal alignment and nerve supply! Dr. Kristen can evaluate the positioning of your pelvis and spine to look for any subluxations, which is an imbalance or misalignment. She uses comfortable techniques to correct any subluxations, allowing the body to function optimally.

By 32 - 34 weeks, your baby should be in an optimal birthing position. If not, you need to act quickly, but it's not too late. We have seen patients into the 38th and 39th week looking for help with their baby's positioning. But the more time that Dr. Kristen has to work with the moms, the easier and less stressful the fetal repositioning will be.

Dr. Kristen is a mom of two beautiful girls who were born naturally at home. She has first-hand knowledge about the added stress of poor positioning. As she practiced chiropractic into her 41st week with her first daughter Kiera, she was constantly getting adjusted by her husband, Dr. Paul Ruscica, D.C. Kiera really wanted to be in a posterior position, but with her knowledge and her good chiropractic care, Dr. Kristen had a wonderful birth. It was free of back labor, which is common with posterior births.

Dr. Kristen is the only certified pre-natal and pediatric chiropractor in the Napa area. She offers solutions and has a vast history of proven results. She will give you her honest opinion following a consultation and exam.

Dealing With Morning Sickness, Nausea, & Fatigue

Is your morning sickness terrorizing you all day and night? And the fatigue refuses to dissipate? Are you concerned with taking anti-nausea medications? And worse, you’re hiding your pregnancy from your coworkers, but the symptoms are making it difficult?

These conditions can occur at any time during pregnancy, most commonly from two to four weeks after fertilization. There are three reasons why nausea happens:

  • Hormones (estrogen and HCG increase in substantial quantities)
  • Implantation (which releases toxins and debris from the endometrial lining which the liver must detoxify)
  • Formation of the placenta

Your body makes this all happen by way of the nervous system. The message from your brain travels down your spinal cord to nerve roots that exit through the vetebrae and connect directly to all the organs like the uterus, ovaries and liver.

If there is a disruption in the connection between your brain and any of these organs, you are more likely to have symptoms. By removing the nerve interference, you can find relief. This is where a chiropractor can check for interference or "subluxation" and offer relief from morning sickness, nausea, and fatigue. A vertebral subluxation is not a minor condition. The most seemingly innocuous of subluxations will always cause interference to the brain-body communication. This is never a good thing, and even more so when you are pregnant. During pregnancy, your body needs the highest amount of support and the least amount of interference.

A doctor certified in pre-natal chiropractic care through the International Pediatrics Association such as Dr. Kristen Giles, D.C, F.I.C.P.A is specially trained. Her expertise and care in helping women throughout their pregnancy will transform your pregnancy experience. You deserve to have the best chance at a successful pregnancy and childbirth, and you can only do that with a nervous system that is running free and clear of interference.

  Stop Suffering From Pain And Discomfort.